Neighbor Storage App Review: Make Money By Renting Your Unused Space

Neighbor Storage App Review: Neighbor connects those with unoccupied space with people who require storage. It is possible to rent any space on the platform, which includes garages and closets, backyard sheds, and driveways (for things like car or boats storage).

Neighbor Storage App Review


Neighbor Pros

  • It lets you make money from what you already own. It’s not necessary to buy anything new or invest cash on improvements to make your space “storage user-friendly.” You already pay for your shed, driveway or carport using your mortgage or rent and why not earn profit from your unoccupied space?
  • It earns passive income. It doesn’t require a financial investment to start and it takes only just a few minutes to register your property on the site. When your renter is done moving their belongings it’s necessary, there’s no further actions required from you. This is one of our most popular passive income strategies.
  • It provides a lot of flexibility. Being the proprietor of space you determine the conditions of the storage agreement. This can include a minimum or maximum length as well as the hours and frequency renters have access to space.

Neighbor Cons

  • There are risks of liability. The most significant disadvantage of Neighbor, is the fact that it can open you to the possibility of having the belongings of someone else (and sometimes the owner of the item) within your private space. Even though Neighbor provides $1 million in the liability coverage, there’s the chance of your home (or the belongings of your renter) being injured (the $1 million coverage doesn’t cover property damages).
  • There are lower rates than the average.While you are in charge of pricing but don’t expect to cost more than the storage companies that are professional. The lower costs are the main reason customers pick Neighbor.
  • The process of dealing with renters isn’t easy. If you’re not renting an area with a private entry and access that is locked and you’re not sure if you’ll have to deal with renters who wants access to their space during odd hours, or simply being able to let someone pass through your home access to your basement storage space.

Important Information About Neighbor

Here are some essential tips to be aware of prior to posting your property in Neighbor. Neighbor App.

  1. You are able to choose the renter you want to use. While you must adhere to the anti-discrimination laws in force You can choose your renter from your list of applicants.
  2. It’s not only used for parking garages. Do you have parking? Attic? Shed? Closet? Basement? Storage container? You can lease any of these on Neighbor.
  3. It is not possible to be penalized by the renter. Neighbor offers a guarantee on rental to hosts for a period of up to two month in case the renter isn’t able to pay.
  4. Neighbor is a no-go area for the storage of illegal or dangerous items. Are you concerned about whether your tenant is keeping drugs, toxins and other harmful items in your home? Don’t be. The items listed are specifically not allowed in the conditions of the service.
  5. You can select “Smart Pricing” in case you’re not sure how much to price. This feature adjusts your price in accordance with the availability and demand for storage units in the vicinity of Neighbor in your neighborhood.

How Does Neighbor Works

The listing of your property on the Neighbor application doesn’t require much work or time. All you’ll require to start is your driver’s license, the measurements of the area you’re putting up to rent, and couple of pictures of the cleaned-up area.

When you publish an account, record all the information regarding the property that potential tenants might like to know for instance, what kind of space it’s (garage or basement or basement, etc. ) and how large it is, whether it has access for private use, if the space is secured with locks or not, and so forth. It’s also important to provide the address of the space, along with the time (and the frequency) the tenant is allowed access.

You’ll be required to upload a photo of your driver’s licence to confirm your identity. To ensure safety Renters are also required to confirm their identity. Neighbors pay rent using Stripe So you’ll be required to input the Social Security number for taxes.

For your listing to be complete make sure you enter the price you’d like to charge for your listing (including any discounts offered in the first month) along with the terms you’d like to include in the contract. Upload a few images and create a convincing description of your listing, and it is up and running!

Once your space is listed Renters can look for it in the app and submit an inquiry for a lease your space. Renters and you both message each other via the app. If you locate someone who is working for you, accept them via the app and arrange for them to move their belongings into.

How Much You Can Earn on Neighbors?

Naturally, it’s contingent on how large your space is and where you live and the amount you can store. Here are some examples of monthly rents of various areas in various markets, so that you can get an idea of what you can be expecting:

Salt Lake CityOklahoma CityBoston
Garage (10 20)$100 – $150$83 – $200$150 – $275
Driveway (uncovered)$73 – $136$50 – $100$129 – $277
Indoor storage (8 x 10)$30 – $60$25 – $84$60 – $100

It’s easier to get a higher price per square foot if you’re able lease a huge and specialized space, such as a garage. The renters pay more for climate-controlled, covered spaces as they are able to store delicate objects in them.

Although the Neighbor app isn’t exactly new (it was launched just in 2005) Many users have had a positive rental of their unoccupied space to earn an income stream that is passive.

Users have reported earning anything from $28-$1,000 every month according to the kind of space.


There is no charge to list a space on Neighbor however, hosts are charged fees of 4.9 percent, and an additional $0.30 cost for the processing. Neighbor charges renters an administrative fee that can be seen prior to reserving a space. The renter’s fee is equal roughly 10% – 15 percent of the rent that is paid by the host.

Neighbor App Review: Final Verdict

Neighbor is a popular app for making money. Neighbor app has received very favorable reviews and is an excellent method of earning passive income. If you do not have land or an enormous amount of space, the money you earn through Neighbor is likely to be restricted to the level of an side business instead of an all-time, automated business However, the initial investment and regular work are very minimal.

This may not be the best option for those who aren’t permitted to sublet or may face problems with an HOA for having additional automobiles on the property. It is also important to ensure that you have the proper insurance coverage in the event that anything happens to your property.

For many but, renting additional space to Neighbor is an opportunity to earn money from their homes or property that would otherwise be empty otherwise.

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